- Overview
- Alt tags SEO tokens
- Product meta tags SEO tokens
- Collection meta tags SEO tokens
- Blog meta tags SEO tokens
- Article meta tags SEO tokens
In this article I am going to explain what the Smart SEO tokens are. Let's dive right in!
The tokens allow you to insert data in your SEO metadata templates for your product, collection, blog and article pages. When the alt tags, or meta tags, are generated for a page, these tokens are replaced with the data (title, description, etc.) from the product, collection, blog or article.
For example, if we create an alt tag template with the "${title}" token inside the Template field and we have a product with a title of "Apple MacBook Pro", when the product image alt attributes are generated, the "${title}" token will be replaced with "Apple MacBook Pro".
- ${title} - Will be replaced with the title of the product
- ${sku} - Will be replaced with the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the product
- ${barcode} - Will be replaced with the barcode of the product
- ${price} - Will be replaced with the price of the product
- ${min-price} - Will be replaced with the lowest price of the product
- ${max-price} - Will be replaced with the highest price of the product
- ${tags} - Will be replaced with the tags of the product
- ${product-type} - Will be replaced with the type of the product
- ${vendor} - Will be replaced with the vendor of the product
- ${compare-at-price} - Will be replaced with the selected product's Compare at price (the original price for a product that is on sale) if such exists
- ${min-compare-at-price} - Will be replaced with the selected product's lowest Compare at price (the original price for a product that is on sale) if such exists
- ${max-compare-at-price} - Will be replaced with the selected product's highest Compare at price (the original price for a product that is on sale) if such exists
- ${option1} - Will be replaced with the name and the value of the product's first option separated by space. E.g. "Color Red" if the product's first option is Color and its selected value is Red. Learn more about Shopify product options and variants
- ${option2} - Will be replaced with the name and the value of the product's second option separated by space. E.g. "Size Medium" if the product's second option is Size and its selected value is Medium
- ${option3} - Will be replaced with the name and the value of the product's third option separated by space. E.g. "Quantity 1" if the product's third option is Quantity and its selected value is 1
- ${shop-name} - Will be replaced with your store's name, which can be found and edited on Shopify admin desktop → Settings → General → Store details
Product meta tags SEO tokens
- ${title} - Will be replaced with the title of the product
- ${description} - Will be replaced with the description of the product
- ${sku} - Will be replaced with the SKU of the product
- ${barcode} - Will be replaced with the barcode of the product
- ${price} - Will be replaced with the price of the product
- ${min-price} - Will be replaced with the lowest price of the product
- ${max-price} - Will be replaced with the highest price of the product
- ${tags} - Will be replaced with the tags of the product
- ${product-type} - Will be replaced with the type of the product
- ${vendor} - Will be replaced with the vendor of the product
- ${compare-at-price} - Will be replaced with the selected product's Compare at price (the original price for a product that is on sale) if such exists
- ${min-compare-at-price} - Will be replaced with the selected product's lowest Compare at price (the original price for a product that is on sale) if such exists
- ${max-compare-at-price} - Will be replaced with the selected product's highest Compare at price (the original price for a product that is on sale) if such exists
- ${option1} - Will be replaced with the name and the value of the product's first option separated by space. E.g. "Color Red" if the product's first option is Color and its selected value is Red
- ${option2} - Will be replaced with the name and the value of the product's second option separated by space. E.g. "Size Medium" if the product's second option is Size and its selected value is Medium
- ${option3} - Will be replaced with the name and the value of the product's third option separated by space. E.g. "Quantity 1" if the product's third option is Quantity and its selected value is 1
- ${default-meta-title} - Will be replaced with the meta title entered in the Search engine listing preview section
- ${default-meta-description} - Will be replaced with the meta description entered in the Search engine listing preview section
- ${shop-name} - Will be replaced with your store's name, which can be found and edited on Shopify admin desktop → Settings → General → Store details
Collection meta tags SEO tokens
- ${title} - Will be replaced with the title of the collection
- ${description} - Will be replaced with the description of the collection (the first 160 characters of the description will be used)
- ${n-product-titles} - Will be replaced with the first n number of product titles in the collection
- ${n-product-tags} - Will be replaced with the first n number of product tags in the collection
- ${n-product-types} - Will be replaced with the first n number of product types in the collection
- ${n-vendors} - Will be replaced with the first n number of vendors in the collection
${n-product-titles-with-vendor-names} - Will be replaced with the first n number of product titles in the collection prefixed with their vendor names.
Let's say you have a collection with 3 products: "Apple iPhone 7" by vendor "Apple", "Samsung Galaxy 7" by vendor "Samsung" and "HTC One" by vendor "HTC". If you specify in your collection meta tags template under description the following value "${2-product-titles-with-vendor-names}" the collection's page will have a meta description tag with this value "Apple iPhone 7, Apple; Samsung Galaxy 7, Samsung". - ${current-tags} - This token is an array that contains all tags that are being used to filter a collection
- ${default-meta-title} - Will be replaced with the meta title entered in the Search engine listing preview section
- ${default-meta-description} - Will be replaced with the meta description entered in the Search engine listing preview section
- ${shop-name} - Will be replaced with your store's name, which can be found and edited on Shopify admin desktop → Settings → General → Store details
Blog meta tags SEO tokens
- ${title} - Will be replaced with the title of the blog
- ${tags} - Will be replaced with the tags of the blog
- ${current-tags} - This token is an array that contains all tags that are being used to filter a blog page
- ${default-meta-title} - Will be replaced with the meta title entered in the Search engine listing preview section
- ${default-meta-description} - Will be replaced with the meta description entered in the Search engine listing preview section
- ${shop-name} - Will be replaced with your store's name, which can be found and edited on Shopify admin desktop → Settings → General → Store details
Article meta tags SEO tokens
- ${title} - Will be replaced with the title of the article
- ${description} - Will be replaced with the description of the article
- ${tags} - Will be replaced with the tags of the article
- ${author} - Will be replaced with the author of the article
- ${default-meta-title} - Will be replaced with the meta title entered in the Search engine listing preview section
- ${default-meta-description} - Will be replaced with the meta description entered in the Search engine listing preview section
- ${shop-name} - Will be replaced with your store's name, which can be found and edited on Shopify admin desktop → Settings → General → Store details
I hope this information is useful!
If you would like us to have a look at your Shopify SEO and give you a detailed report on what you can do about it, leave a comment below with "Yes"!
Hello, Hellen!
Please, open the Setup page, accessible also from the app Welcome screen, and check whether the app is integrated. If it is integrated but the meta tags are still not updating, contact our support.
Radostina @ Sherpas Design
If I update the products using edit option in metatags section and get 100% rating, why does it not save to the product itself? Not showing on some 🤔 Thank for your help?
Hello, Homer!
No, there will be no extra charges. The app costs $4.99/month regardless of the number of products and collections you have.
Radostina @ Sherpas Design
Hi there. I am thinking about installing your app. Please go to our store (www.chantelsjewelry.com) and let me know if there are extra charges because of the number of existing products and if there will be any additional charges when we add other products. Thank You
Hi, Lennart!
Please, request a free SEO audit here: https://experts.shopify.com/sherpas-design/optimize-web-pages-for-seo
Оne of our SEO experts will get back to you with more details.
Radostina, Sherpas Design